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2024 Gastric Cancer Summit

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2024 Gastric Cancer Summit

Gastric cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death worldwide and is diagnosed in 27,000 Americans each year. In the United States, this burden falls disproportionately on ethnic minorities and immigrant communities, especially Asians. There exists no coherent national strategy for the early detection or risk attenuation of gastric cancer, even among identified high-risk groups. The under-recognition of gastric cancer risk among minority communities is the most significantly unaddressed healthcare disparity issue in the United States. This summit aims to foster a global dialogue on reducing morbidity and mortality from gastric cancer, especially among vulnerable populations.

The 2024 Gastric Cancer Summit took place at Stanford University on November 7-8, 2024. This in-person summit gathered physicians, researchers, policy makers, patients, and advocacy groups from around the world to address the pressing issue of gastric cancer.

Hosted by the Stanford Center for Asian Health Research and Education (CARE), this multidisciplinary event aimed to build upon the foundation laid in previous summits, working towards tangible solutions and a roadmap for addressing healthcare disparities in gastric cancer. 

Together, we can improve early detection, prevention and healthcare outcomes for all affected by gastric cancer. To view the details of what was discussed during the 2024 Gastric Cancer Summit, please see below.

November 7, 2024

7:308:30Welcome Breakfast 
8:308:40Introductory RemarksJoo Ha Hwang, Stanford University
8:409:00Personal reflections on Gastric CancerMichael Kim and Lauren Kim
Day 1, Session 1: Gastric Cancer – Why should we CARE?Moderators: Chin Hur, Columbia University; Hwoon-yong Jung, Asan Medical Center
9:009:15Incidence of gastric cancer – globally and in the USShailja Shah, UCSD/San Diego VA
9:159:30Global Efforts for the Prevention of Gastric CancerJin Young Park, IARC, WHO
9:309:45Efficacy of Gastric Cancer Screening Programs in AsiaIl Ju Choi, National Cancer Center, Korea
9:4510:00Endoscopic resection and outcomesNaohisa Yahigi, Keio University
10:0010:15Panel Discussion 
Day 1, Session 2: Gastric Cancer – How does it develop?Moderators: Scott Kuwada, University of Hawaii, Dan Li, Kaiser Permanente
10:3010:45H. pylori: a historical perspective on its association with cancerJulie Parsonnet, Stanford University
10:4511:00Gastric intestinal metaplasia as a precursor to cancerRobert Huang, Stanford University
11:0011:15Endoscopic screening for gastric precancerous lesionsFabian Emura, University of Miami
11:1511:30Panel Discussion 
Day 1, Session 3: Improving outcomes in the US – The need for primary and secondary prevention of Gastric CancerModerators: Meira Epplein, Duke University; Robert Huang, Stanford University
11:3011:45Primary prevention of gastric cancer – treating h pyloriPaul Moayyedi, McMaster University
11:4512:00Secondary prevention - Gastric cancer screening in the US – Who and how?Joo Ha Hwang, Stanford University
12:0012:15Gastric cancer prevention: the Kaiser experienceDaniel Li, Kaiser Permanente
12:1512:30Panel Discussion 
12:301:30Lunch Break 
Day 1, Session 4: Societal GuidelinesModerators: John Inadomi, University of Utah; Joo Ha Hwang, Stanford University
1:301:50European guidelines on precancerous lesionsErnst J. Kuipers, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
1:502:10AGA Guidance on screening for gastric cancer and surveillance of precancerous lesionsAndrew Wang, University of Virginia
2:102:40Three recent ACG Guidelines: Synergy and Potential Impact on Gastric Cancer in the U.S.Doug Morgan, University of Alabama - Birmingham
2:403:00Panel Discussion 
3:003:15Remarks from the DeanDean Lloyd Minor
3:153:30BreakVideo Remarks: CAPAC Chair Representative Judy Chu (CA), Representative Yadira Caraveo M.D. (CO), Anabella Aspiras, The White House Cancer Moonshot
Day 1, Session 5: Advancing health policy for the prevention of gastric cancer in the US – A panel discussion

Moderator Panel 1: Yanghee Woo, City of Hope

Moderator Panel 2: Joo Ha Hawng, Stanford University

3:30 5:00

Panel 1: Federal Policy Updates

Panel 2: Private Policy Advancements: Kaiser Permanente Advancements in Clinical Policies and Protocols

Panel 1 Panelists: Aki Smith, Hope for Stomach Cancer, Kathy Ko Chin, Jasper Inclusion Advisors

Panel 2 Panelists: Jeff Fox, Kaiser Permanente; Scott Kuwada, University of Hawaii; Bechien Wu, Southern California Permanente Medical Group


November 8, 2024

8:308:40IntroductionsRobert Huang, Stanford University
Day 2, Scientific Session 1: Scientific advances in the interception of gastric cancer.Moderators: Robert Huang, Stanford University; Shailja Shah, UCSD
8:409:00The ECHOS cohortArnoldo Riquelme, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
9:009:20Early detection and interception of diffuse and intestinal gastric cancerAndrew Chan, Harvard University
9:209:40Preliminary experience with community-based EGD screeningHaejin In, Rutgers University
9:4010:00Gastric cancer CISNET modeling: an updateChin Hur, Columbia University
10:0010:15Panel discussion 
Day 2, Scientific Session 2: Screening and eradication of H. pylori: an opportunity for preventionModerators: Joo Ha Hwang, Stanford University; Khay Guan Yeoh, National University of Singapore
10:3010:50Community based testing and treatment for H. pyloriShria Kumar, University of Miami
10:5011:10Gastric cancer among the US-born and foreign-born immigrants in the US.Eunjung Lee, University of Southern California
11:1011:30Using artificial intelligence to improve the recognition of gastric neoplasiaYutaka Tomizawa, University of Washington
11:3011:45The Linqu H. pylori eradication trialMarkus Gerhard, Technical University of Munich
11:4512:00Panel discussion 
12:0012:40Lunch break 
Day 2, Session 3: Discovering impactful biomarkers to improve gastric cancer preventionModerators: Markus Gerhard, Technical University of Munich; Haejin In, Rutgers University
12:401:00Intercepting gastric cancer in the US: CagA as a predictor of riskMeira Epplein, Duke University
1:001:20Insights from the Singaporean GCEP programmeKhay Guan Yeoh, National University of Singapore
1:201:40Histologic interpretation of gastric intestinal metaplasiaBlanca Piazuelo, Vanderbilt University
1:402:00Biomarker for Gastric Cancer: where are we and where are we going?Constanza Camargo, National Cancer Institute
2:002:15Panel discussion 
Day 2, Closing Session – Priorities and Future Directions – A Panel DiscussionModerators: Joo Ha Hwang, Stanford University; Robert Huang, Stanford University
2:303:30 Panelists: Asad Umar, National Cancer Institute; Douglas Morgan, UAB; Jin Young Park, IARC
3:303:45Closing remarks, group photos 
4:005:00Wine and Cheese Reception 

Planning Committee Members

Speakers and Moderators: 

Meet the 2024 Gastric Cancer Summit speakers and moderators below, organized alphabetically by last name.

We are deeply grateful to the Fortinet Founders for their generous support in sponsoring the 2024 Gastric Cancer Summit. Their commitment has made this critical event possible, enabling us to advance important conversations and solutions around gastric cancer prevention and treatment.