Previous Awardees
CARE awards seed grants to fund innovative and rigorous research projects on Asian health.
CARE has received generous philanthropic support to fund four seed grants across the disciplines of oncology, obstetrics, mental health, and public health. These grants give researchers the ability to pursue high-impact, promising research projects that further CARE’s mission to develop precision health for Asians. The seed grant program has helped foster transdisciplinary collaborations and has led to numerous research publications and presentations.
In addition, it has supported researchers in collecting valuable pilot data, allowing them to obtain follow- on funding to grow and expand their research.
The seed grant program develops self-sustaining, innovative, and scientifically rigorous research programs that lead to critical advances in Asian health.
Every year, CARE releases a Call for Applications in early December with applications due via Slideroom on February 1. Awards are announced on March 1. The award period is for 1 calendar year, typically staring on May 1 and ending on April 30.
CARE 2023 Seed Grant Awardees
Che-Hong Chen, PhD

A public health education and awareness initiative on alcohol flushing and alcohol-related cancer in Asian communities
Karl Lorenz, MD, MSHS

Palliative Care in Neuro-Oncology among Chinese/Chinese-American Patients and Caregivers
CARE 2022 Seed Grant Awardees
Anna Chen Arroyo MD, MPH
Dr. Chitra Dinakar Memorial Grant

Characterization of allergic diseases among Asian American children
Grace Yoo, PhD, MPH

Impact of COVID-19 on Social Support, Health and Quality of Life
CARE 2021 Seed Grant Awardees
CARE 2020 Seed Grant Awardees
Ranak Trivedi
Khuller-Kochikar Seed Grant

Assessing caregiving and social networks among South Asian women living with breast cancer
Uchechukwu Megwalu
Stanford Cancer Institute Seed Grant

Clinical Presentation and Outcomes of Well-differentiated Thyroid Cancer in Filipinos
CARE 2019 Seed Grant Awardees
Alan Louie

Acculturative Family Distance and Mental Health: A Pilot Study of Asian-American Parents of Younger Adolescents
Bertha Chen

Racial differences in fibroid-related symptom severity in Asian vs. Caucasian women seen at Stanford Fibroid Clinic