Past Events
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Past Event Monthly Community Health Talk
Cancer in Asian Americans – Epidemiology and Prevention
January of 2025-*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event Community
Cancer Storytelling: Empowering Patients and Caregivers
-*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event Monthly Community Health Talk
Achieving Health Equity in Gastric Cancer Among Asian Americans
November of 2024This presentation will focus on gastric cancer as a leading cancer disparity that adversely affects Asian Americans.-*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event In-language Community Health Talk
神经退行与神经可塑性:大脑如何随着时间推移改变和适应 (Neurodegeneration and Neuroplasticity: How Our Brains Change and Adapt Over Time)
November of 2024本次讲座将探讨有关神经退化和神经可塑性的核心概念及科学文献,着重强调其对失智症和认知健康的影响。*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event Monthly Community Health Talk
Liver Disease in Asian Americans – What to Look for?
October of 2024We will will discuss the latest research and clinical trials that highlight the unique risk factors and disease patterns observed in Asian Americans.-*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event In-language Community Health Talk
Những tiến bộ trong việc Sàng lọc và Điều trị Ung thư Phổi (Advancements in Lung Cancer Screening and Treatment)
October of 2024Bác sĩ Kim-Son Nguyen, MPA, sẽ nói về gánh nặng của bệnh ung thư phổi trong cộng đồng người châu Á, nêu bật các yếu tố nguy cơ đáng chú ý, tỷ lệ phổ biến và những thách thức mà*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event Monthly Community Health Talk
Addressing Lung Cancer in Asian Americans: Screening, Treatment, and Advancements
September of 2024We will examine the epidemiology of lung cancer among Asian Americans, covering aspects such as diagnosis, staging, and treatment.-*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event AAPI Heritage Month
Hybrid Panel Discussion: Breaking the Silence on Untreated Autism Among Asian American Children and Their Families
May of 2024-*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event AAPI Heritage Month
In-person Film Screening of "Umenoki" and a Panel Discussion on "Caring for Asian Elders"
May of 2024-*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event Monthly Community Health Talk
Facing Adversity: Lessons Learned from Two Studies on the Impact of Anti-Asian Racism and the COVID-19 Pandemic on Asian College Students and Asian Medical Trainees
May of 2024Dr. Huiqiong Deng will share the findings of two pivotal studies: "COVID-19’s Impact on Discrimination and Racism Experienced by Asian Medical Trainees" and "Impacts of COVID-19 On-*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event In-language Community Health Talk
拥抱健康老化(Embracing Healthy Aging)
April Mandarin talk, 2024陈璨医生在本次讲座中,将以老年医学中的创新4M为框架,探讨照顾老年人的最重要的四个方面(行、脑、药、愿)。-*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event Monthly Community Health Talk
Unraveling the Heart Disease Epidemic: Precision Prevention Strategies for High-Risk South Asian Patients
April of 2024Dr. Dash will navigate through the unique challenges and promising opportunities entwined with mitigating heart disease risk in this vulnerable population.-*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event Monthly Community Health Talk
Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis in Asian Americans
March of 2024Joy Wu, MD, PhD, will talk about risk factors, prevention and treatment options, as well as common questions about lifestyle, dietary supplements, and medications.-*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event
Asian Health Disparities
February of 2024Stanford Medicine is hosting a faculty webinar to highlight efforts that explore and improve Asian health equity. You will hear from a health equity researcher about the intersecti-*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event Monthly Community Health Talk
Lung cancer Screening, Incidence, and Outcomes in Asian Americans
February of 2024Jeff Velotta, MD, FACS, will discuss potential outcomes of lung cancer as it relates to Asian Americans.-*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event Monthly Community Health Talk
Cardiometabolic Disease Among Asian People: Prevalence, Prediction, and Precision Medicine
January of 2024Adrian Matias Bacong, PhD, MPH, Cardiometabolic diseases comprise the leading causes of mortality among Asian people.-*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event Community
Our Path Forward: Addressing the Asian Leadership Paradox
November of 2023Dr. Kim, While we are well represented across STEM, the inability for Asian Americans to achieve parity in leadership needs to be addressed.-*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event In-language Community Health Talk
预防跌倒与可调节风险因素(Fall Prevention and Modifiable Risk Factors)
November of 2023陈玺翔医生 (Dr. Esther Tan) 将介绍大家都可以采用的跌倒预防措施。*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event In-language Community Health Talk
日本におけるヘルスケアイノベーション (Healthcare Innovation in Japan)
October of 2023Fumiaki Ikeno医学博士は、自治医科大学を卒業後、2001年にスタンフォード大学の循環器内科で研究を開始され、米国医療機器ベンチャーの研究開発、動物実験、臨床試験などに従事されました。*This event has already occurred. -
Past Event In-language Community Health Talk
酒精造成之面部潮红及其健康影响 (Alcohol-Induced Facial Flushing and Health Implications)
June of 2023陈哲宏博士 (Dr. Che-Hong Chen) 任教于斯坦福大学医学院,是一位分子生物学及基因学家。陈博士专门研究乙醛毒性以及 ALDH多基因家族在人体中所发挥的功能。有一类新型乙醛去氢酶调节剂的发现,就是奠基于陈博士的研究。*This event has already occurred.