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2021 Symposium

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2021 CARE Summer Research Symposium

The Stanford Center for Asian Health Research and Education (CARE), in collaboration with University of Hong Kong (HKU) is dedicated to improving the lives of Asians everywhere through evidence-based research and education in Asian health. Each year, we invite our outstanding students and faculty to highlight important new findings in Asian health at our annual CARE Summer Research Symposium, featuring research from around the globe.

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August 13th, 2021 8:00am - 5:30pm 

The Stanford Center of Asian Health Research and Education is committed to addressing existing disparities in Asian health through public outreach and ongoing research. Please join us on August 13th as we provide an overview of topical issues that affect the Asian American and global Asian community, and new research done by our students at the Stanford CARE Scholars Research Program and The University of Hong Kong


8:00 - Welcome by Stanford CARE Leadership: Malathi Srinivasan, MD and Latha Palaniappan, MD MS 

8:30 - Keynote 1: Julieta Gabiola, MD 

9:30 - Stanford CARE Scholars Mentor Appreciation Panel 

10:00 - Stanford CARE Scholars - Large Database Research Project Presentations 

12:00 - Keynote 2: Neil Gesundheit, MD MPH 

1:30 - The University of Hong Kong Medical Student Presentations 

2:45 - Stanford CARE Scholars - Special Mentored Research Project Presentations 

4:00 - Keynote 3: Vivian Lin, DrPH MPH 

5:00 - Awards Ceremony 


2021 Stanford CARE Summer Research Symposium

The Stanford CARE Summer Research Symposium is a showcase for innovative Asian health research from around the world. Stanford CARE’s mission is to improve the health of Asians everywhere, through excellence in precision research and education. This year, we are proud to showcase the critical Asian health research conducted by Stanford CARE Scholars and the University of Hong Kong (HKU) Schools of Medicine and Public Health. The partnership between these two leading research universities will accelerate Asian health research around the world. 

Thank you, Dr. Srinivansan!